Fret meaning in Hindi

Fret is a english word.

Fret Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • fret = कुछ तारदार वाद्य यन्त्रों की खूटियाँ

    • Usage: The guitarist replaced the frets in the guitar.
  • fret = चिन्ता प्रकट करना

    • Usage: Reema starts to fret whenever her son goes out.
  • fret = व्यथित होना

    • Usage: Buddha was in fret after seeing the injured swan.

Fret Meaning in Detail

  • fret (noun) = agitation resulting from active worry

    Synonyms: fret, stew, sweat, lather, swither

    • Usage: don't get in a stew
    • Usage: he's in a sweat about exams
  • fret (noun) = a spot that has been worn away by abrasion or erosion

    Synonyms: worn_spot, fret

  • fret (noun) = an ornamental pattern consisting of repeated vertical and horizontal lines (often in relief)

    Synonyms: fret, Greek_fret, Greek_key, key_pattern

    • Usage: there was a simple fret at the top of the walls
  • fret (noun) = a small bar of metal across the fingerboard of a musical instrument; when the string is stopped by a finger at the metal bar it will produce a note of the desired pitch

    Synonyms: fret

  • fret (verb) = worry unnecessarily or excessively

    Synonyms: fuss, niggle, fret

    • Usage: don't fuss too much over the grandchildren--they are quite big now
  • fret (verb) = be agitated or irritated

    Synonyms: fret

    • Usage: don't fret over these small details
  • fret (verb) = provide (a musical instrument) with frets

    Synonyms: fret

    • Usage: fret a guitar
  • fret (verb) = become or make sore by or as if by rubbing

    Synonyms: chafe, gall, fret

  • fret (verb) = cause annoyance in

    Synonyms: fret

  • fret (verb) = gnaw into; make resentful or angry

    Synonyms: eat_into, fret, rankle, grate

    • Usage: The injustice rankled her
    • Usage: his resentment festered
  • fret (verb) = carve a pattern into

    Synonyms: fret

  • fret (verb) = decorate with an interlaced design

    Synonyms: fret

  • fret (verb) = be too tight; rub or press

    Synonyms: choke, gag, fret

    • Usage: This neckband is choking the cat
  • fret (verb) = cause friction

    Synonyms: rub, fray, fret, chafe, scratch

    • Usage: my sweater scratches
  • fret (verb) = remove soil or rock

    Synonyms: erode, eat_away, fret

    • Usage: Rain eroded the terraces
  • fret (verb) = wear away or erode

    Synonyms: fret, eat_away

  • Other words to learn

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