Gay meaning in Hindi

Gay is a english word.

Gay Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • gay = आनन्दमय

    • Usage: Everybody seems to be gay and happy today.
  • gay = समलैंगिक

    • Usage: He is a gay person.

Gay Meaning in Detail

  • gay (noun) = someone who practices homosexuality; having a sexual attraction to persons of the same sex

    Synonyms: homosexual, homophile, homo, gay

  • gay (adj) = bright and pleasant; promoting a feeling of cheer

    Synonyms: cheery, gay, sunny

    • Usage: a cheery hello
    • Usage: a gay sunny room
    • Usage: a sunny smile
  • gay (adj) = full of or showing high-spirited merriment

    Synonyms: gay, jocund, jolly, jovial, merry, mirthful

    • Usage: when hearts were young and gay
    • Usage: a poet could not but be gay, in such a jocund company"- Wordsworth
    • Usage: the jolly crowd at the reunion
    • Usage: jolly old Saint Nick
    • Usage: a jovial old gentleman
    • Usage: have a merry Christmas
    • Usage: peals of merry laughter
    • Usage: a mirthful laugh
  • gay (adj) = given to social pleasures often including dissipation

    Synonyms: gay

    • Usage: led a gay Bohemian life
    • Usage: a gay old rogue with an eye for the ladies
  • gay (adj) = brightly colored and showy

    Synonyms: brave, braw, gay

    • Usage: girls decked out in brave new dresses
    • Usage: brave banners flying
    • Usage: `braw' is a Scottish word
    • Usage: a dress a bit too gay for her years
    • Usage: birds with gay plumage
  • gay (adj) = offering fun and gaiety

    Synonyms: gay, festal, festive, merry

    • Usage: a festive (or festal) occasion
    • Usage: gay and exciting night life
    • Usage: a merry evening
  • gay (adj) = homosexual or arousing homosexual desires

    Synonyms: gay, queer, homophile

  • Other words to learn

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