Gleam meaning in Hindi

Gleam is a english word.

Gleam Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • gleam = किरण

    • Usage: The gleam of the evening sunlight is coming through the window.
  • gleam = किरण बिखेरना

    • Usage: The sunlight gleamed through the window.

Gleam Meaning in Detail

  • gleam (noun) = an appearance of reflected light

    Synonyms: gleam, gleaming, glow, lambency

  • gleam (noun) = a flash of light (especially reflected light)

    Synonyms: gleam, gleaming, glimmer

  • gleam (verb) = be shiny, as if wet

    Synonyms: glitter, glisten, glint, gleam, shine

    • Usage: His eyes were glistening
  • gleam (verb) = shine brightly, like a star or a light

    Synonyms: gleam, glimmer

  • gleam (verb) = appear briefly

    Synonyms: gleam

    • Usage: A terrible thought gleamed in her mind
  • Other words to learn

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