Graze meaning in Hindi

Graze is a english word.

Graze Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • graze = घास~चरना

    • Usage: The horses were grazing on the green meadows.
  • graze = खरोंच~लगाना

    • Usage: I grazed my elbow against the wall.
  • graze = छीलते~हुए~निकल~जाना

    • Usage: The bullet grazed his shoulder.
  • graze = खरोंच

Graze Meaning in Detail

  • graze (noun) = a superficial abrasion

    Synonyms: graze

  • graze (noun) = the act of grazing

    Synonyms: graze, grazing

  • graze (verb) = feed as in a meadow or pasture

    Synonyms: crop, browse, graze, range, pasture

    • Usage: the herd was grazing
  • graze (verb) = break the skin (of a body part) by scraping

    Synonyms: graze

    • Usage: She was grazed by the stray bullet
  • graze (verb) = let feed in a field or pasture or meadow

    Synonyms: crop, graze, pasture

  • graze (verb) = scrape gently

    Synonyms: graze, crease, rake

    • Usage: graze the skin
  • graze (verb) = eat lightly, try different dishes

    Synonyms: browse, graze

    • Usage: There was so much food at the party that we quickly got sated just by browsing
  • Other words to learn

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