Grey meaning in Hindi

Grey is a english word.

Grey Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • grey = सिलेटी[धूसर]

Grey Meaning in Detail

  • grey (noun) = United States writer of western adventure novels (1875-1939)

    Synonyms: Grey, Zane_Grey

  • grey (noun) = Queen of England for nine days in 1553; she was quickly replaced by Mary Tudor and beheaded for treason (1537-1554)

    Synonyms: Grey, Lady_Jane_Grey

  • grey (noun) = Englishman who as Prime Minister implemented social reforms including the abolition of slavery throughout the British Empire (1764-1845)

    Synonyms: Grey, Charles_Grey, Second_Earl_Grey

  • grey (noun) = any organization or party whose uniforms or badges are grey

    Synonyms: grey, gray

    • Usage: the Confederate army was a vast grey
  • grey (noun) = a neutral achromatic color midway between white and black

    Synonyms: gray, grayness, grey, greyness

  • grey (noun) = clothing that is a grey color

    Synonyms: grey, gray

    • Usage: he was dressed in grey
  • grey (noun) = horse of a light gray or whitish color

    Synonyms: grey, gray

  • grey (verb) = make grey

    Synonyms: grey, gray

    • Usage: The painter decided to grey the sky
  • grey (verb) = turn grey

    Synonyms: grey, gray

    • Usage: Her hair began to grey
  • grey (adj) = of an achromatic color of any lightness intermediate between the extremes of white and black

    Synonyms: grey, gray, greyish, grayish

    • Usage: the little grey cells
    • Usage: gray flannel suit
    • Usage: a man with greyish hair
  • grey (adj) = showing characteristics of age, especially having grey or white hair

    Synonyms: grey, gray, grey-haired, gray-haired, grey-headed, gray-headed, grizzly, hoar, hoary, white-haired

    • Usage: whose beard with age is hoar"-Coleridge
    • Usage: nodded his hoary head
  • grey (adj) = used to signify the Confederate forces in the American Civil War (who wore grey uniforms)

    Synonyms: grey, gray

    • Usage: a stalwart grey figure
  • grey (adj) = intermediate in character or position

    Synonyms: grey, gray

    • Usage: a grey area between clearly legal and strictly illegal
  • Other words to learn

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