Groin meaning in Hindi

Groin is a english word.

Groin Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • groin = कमर

    • Usage: He is not playing because of a groin injury

Groin Meaning in Detail

  • groin (noun) = the crease at the junction of the inner part of the thigh with the trunk together with the adjacent region and often including the external genitals

    Synonyms: groin, inguen

  • groin (noun) = a curved edge formed by two intersecting vaults

    Synonyms: groin

  • groin (noun) = a protective structure of stone or concrete; extends from shore into the water to prevent a beach from washing away

    Synonyms: breakwater, groin, groyne, mole, bulwark, seawall, jetty

  • groin (verb) = build with groins

    Synonyms: groin

    • Usage: The ceiling was groined
  • Other words to learn

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