Gum meaning in Hindi

Gum is a english word.

Gum Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • gum = गोंद[मसूड़ा}

  • gum = गोंद

    • Usage: Paste the papers with gum.

Gum Meaning in Detail

  • gum (noun) = a preparation (usually made of sweetened chicle) for chewing

    Synonyms: chewing_gum, gum

  • gum (noun) = the tissue (covered by mucous membrane) of the jaws that surrounds the bases of the teeth

    Synonyms: gingiva, gum

  • gum (noun) = any of various substances (soluble in water) that exude from certain plants; they are gelatinous when moist but harden on drying

    Synonyms: gum

  • gum (noun) = cement consisting of a sticky substance that is used as an adhesive

    Synonyms: glue, gum, mucilage

  • gum (noun) = wood or lumber from any of various gum trees especially the sweet gum

    Synonyms: gumwood, gum

  • gum (noun) = any of various trees of the genera Eucalyptus or Liquidambar or Nyssa that are sources of gum

    Synonyms: gum_tree, gum

  • gum (verb) = cover, fill, fix or smear with or as if with gum

    Synonyms: gum

    • Usage: if you gum the tape it is stronger
  • gum (verb) = grind with the gums; chew without teeth and with great difficulty

    Synonyms: mumble, gum

    • Usage: the old man had no teeth left and mumbled his food
  • gum (verb) = become sticky

    Synonyms: gum

  • gum (verb) = exude or form gum

    Synonyms: gum

    • Usage: these trees gum in the Spring
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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