Sprout meaning in Hindi

Sprout is a english word.

Sprout Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • sprout = अंकुरित होना

    • Usage: New buds have started to sprout from the apple tree.

Sprout Meaning in Detail

  • sprout (noun) = any new growth of a plant such as a new branch or a bud

    Synonyms: sprout

  • sprout (noun) = a newly grown bud (especially from a germinating seed)

    Synonyms: sprout

  • sprout (verb) = produce buds, branches, or germinate

    Synonyms: shoot, spud, germinate, pullulate, bourgeon, burgeon_forth, sprout

    • Usage: the potatoes sprouted
  • sprout (verb) = put forth and grow sprouts or shoots

    Synonyms: sprout, stock

    • Usage: the plant sprouted early this year
  • Other words to learn

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