Hitch meaning in Hindi

Hitch is a english word.

Hitch Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • hitch = लिफ्ट लेना

    • Usage: वे बाम्बे 'hitch' करते हुए गये.
  • hitch = ऊपर ले जाना

    • Usage: रवि ने अपने आप को दीवार पर 'hitch' किया
  • hitch = बाँधना

    • Usage: They hitched the car to the truck.
  • hitch = झटका/धक्का/अटकाव

    • Usage: उसने जीतू को 'hitch'(धक्का मार) कर गिरा दिया.

Hitch Meaning in Detail

  • hitch (noun) = a period of time spent in military service

    Synonyms: enlistment, hitch, term_of_enlistment, tour_of_duty, duty_tour, tour

  • hitch (noun) = the state of inactivity following an interruption

    Synonyms: arrest, check, halt, hitch, stay, stop, stoppage

    • Usage: the negotiations were in arrest
    • Usage: held them in check
    • Usage: during the halt he got some lunch
    • Usage: the momentary stay enabled him to escape the blow
    • Usage: he spent the entire stop in his seat
  • hitch (noun) = an unforeseen obstacle

    Synonyms: hang-up, hitch, rub, snag

  • hitch (noun) = a connection between a vehicle and the load that it pulls

    Synonyms: hitch

  • hitch (noun) = a knot that can be undone by pulling against the strain that holds it; a temporary knot

    Synonyms: hitch

  • hitch (noun) = any obstruction that impedes or is burdensome

    Synonyms: hindrance, hinderance, hitch, preventive, preventative, encumbrance, incumbrance, interference

  • hitch (noun) = the uneven manner of walking that results from an injured leg

    Synonyms: hitch, hobble, limp

  • hitch (verb) = to hook or entangle

    Synonyms: hitch, catch

    • Usage: One foot caught in the stirrup
  • hitch (verb) = walk impeded by some physical limitation or injury

    Synonyms: limp, gimp, hobble, hitch

    • Usage: The old woman hobbles down to the store every day
  • hitch (verb) = jump vertically, with legs stiff and back arched

    Synonyms: buck, jerk, hitch

    • Usage: the yung filly bucked
  • hitch (verb) = travel by getting free rides from motorists

    Synonyms: hitchhike, hitch, thumb

  • hitch (verb) = connect to a vehicle: "hitch the trailer to the car"

    Synonyms: hitch

  • Other words to learn

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