Hulk meaning in Hindi

Hulk is a english word.

Hulk Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • hulk = टूटा हुआ पुराना जहाज

    • Usage: समुद्र तट पर एक 'hulk' है

Hulk Meaning in Detail

  • hulk (noun) = a very large person; impressive in size or qualities

    Synonyms: giant, hulk, heavyweight, whale

  • hulk (noun) = a ship that has been wrecked and abandoned

    Synonyms: hulk

  • hulk (verb) = appear very large or occupy a commanding position

    Synonyms: loom, tower, predominate, hulk

    • Usage: The huge sculpture predominates over the fountain
    • Usage: Large shadows loomed on the canyon wall
  • Other words to learn

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