Indent meaning in Hindi

Indent is a english word.

Indent Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • indent = दांतेदार बनाना

  • indent = गड्ढा बनाना

  • indent = माँगपत्र

    • Usage: I placed an indent for new equipments.

Indent Meaning in Detail

  • indent (noun) = an order for goods to be exported or imported

    Synonyms: indent

  • indent (noun) = the space left between the margin and the start of an indented line

    Synonyms: indentation, indention, indent, indenture

  • indent (verb) = set in from the margin

    Synonyms: indent

    • Usage: Indent the paragraphs of a letter
  • indent (verb) = cut or tear along an irregular line so that the parts can later be matched for authentication

    Synonyms: indent

    • Usage: indent the documents
  • indent (verb) = make a depression into

    Synonyms: indent, dent

    • Usage: The bicycle dented my car
  • indent (verb) = notch the edge of or make jagged

    Synonyms: indent

  • indent (verb) = bind by or as if by indentures, as of an apprentice or servant

    Synonyms: indenture, indent

    • Usage: an indentured servant
  • Other words to learn

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