Infectious meaning in Hindi

Infectious is a english word.

Infectious Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • infectious = छूत से लगनेवाला

    • Usage: Fear is exceedlingly infectious; children catch it from their elders

Infectious Meaning in Detail

  • infectious (adj) = caused by infection or capable of causing infection

    Synonyms: infectious, infective

    • Usage: viruses and other infective agents
    • Usage: a carrier remains infective without himself showing signs of the disease
  • infectious (adj) = easily spread; children catch it from their elders"- Bertrand Russell

    Synonyms: infectious

    • Usage: fear is exceedingly infectious
  • infectious (adj) = of or relating to infection

    Synonyms: infectious

    • Usage: infectious hospital
    • Usage: infectious disease
  • Other words to learn

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