Infinite meaning in Hindi

Infinite is a english word.

Infinite Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • infinite = असीमित

  • infinite = अपरिमित

    • Usage: The infinite ingenuity of man
    • Usage: God's infinite wisdom
  • infinite = अनन्त/ईश्वर

Infinite Meaning in Detail

  • infinite (noun) = the unlimited expanse in which everything is located

    Synonyms: space, infinite

    • Usage: they tested his ability to locate objects in space
    • Usage: the boundless regions of the infinite
  • infinite (adj) = having no limits or boundaries in time or space or extent or magnitude

    Synonyms: infinite

    • Usage: the infinite ingenuity of man
    • Usage: infinite wealth
  • infinite (adj) = of verbs; having neither person nor number nor mood (as a participle or gerund or infinitive)

    Synonyms: infinite, non-finite

    • Usage: infinite verb form
  • infinite (adj) = too numerous to be counted

    Synonyms: countless, infinite, innumerable, innumerous, multitudinous, myriad, numberless, uncounted, unnumberable, unnumbered, unnumerable

    • Usage: incalculable riches
    • Usage: countless hours
    • Usage: an infinite number of reasons
    • Usage: innumerable difficulties
    • Usage: the multitudinous seas
    • Usage: myriad stars
    • Usage: untold thousands
  • infinite (adj) = total and all-embracing

    Synonyms: infinite

    • Usage: God's infinite wisdom
  • Other words to learn

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