Inform meaning in Hindi

Inform is a english word.

Inform Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • inform = सूचना देना/सूचित करना

    • Usage: I informed him of his rights
    • Usage: The principles that inform modern teaching
    • Usage: She had informed on her own parents for years

Inform Meaning in Detail

  • inform (verb) = impart knowledge of some fact, state or affairs, or event to

    Synonyms: inform

    • Usage: I informed him of his rights
  • inform (verb) = give character or essence to

    Synonyms: inform

    • Usage: The principles that inform modern teaching
  • inform (verb) = act as an informer

    Synonyms: inform

    • Usage: She had informed on her own parents for years
  • Other words to learn

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