Inoffensive meaning in Hindi

Inoffensive is a english word.

Inoffensive Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • inoffensive = हानि न पहुँचाने वाला

    • Usage: The teacher made an inoffensive remark in the classroom.

Inoffensive Meaning in Detail

  • inoffensive (adj) = not causing anger or annoyance

    Synonyms: inoffensive, unoffending

    • Usage: inoffensive behavior
  • inoffensive (adj) = giving no offense

    Synonyms: inoffensive

    • Usage: a quiet inoffensive man
    • Usage: a refreshing inoffensive stimulant
  • inoffensive (adj) = substituting a mild term for a harsher or distasteful one

    Synonyms: euphemistic, inoffensive

    • Usage: `peepee' is a common euphemistic term
  • Other words to learn

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