Intensify meaning in Hindi

Intensify is a english word.

Intensify Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • intensify = तीव्र करना{बढ़ाना}

  • intensify = सशक्त करना

    • Usage: The security intensified the combing operations .

Intensify Meaning in Detail

  • intensify (verb) = increase in extent or intensity

    Synonyms: escalate, intensify, step_up

    • Usage: The Allies escalated the bombing
  • intensify (verb) = make more intense, stronger, or more marked

    Synonyms: intensify, compound, heighten, deepen

    • Usage: The efforts were intensified", "Her rudeness intensified his dislike for her
    • Usage: Pot smokers claim it heightens their awareness
    • Usage: This event only deepened my convictions
  • intensify (verb) = become more intense

    Synonyms: intensify, deepen

    • Usage: The debate intensified
    • Usage: His dislike for raw fish only deepened in Japan
  • intensify (verb) = make the chemically affected part of (a negative) denser or more opaque in order produce a stronger contrast between light and dark

    Synonyms: intensify

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