Jig meaning in Hindi

Jig is a english word.

Jig Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • jig = थिरकन{नाच नाचने की गत}

    • Usage: I don't mind doing a jig at parties.
  • jig = नाचना

    • Usage: The music is such that you can't help jigging.

Jig Meaning in Detail

  • jig (noun) = music in three-four time for dancing a jig

    Synonyms: jig, gigue

  • jig (noun) = a fisherman's lure with one or more hooks that is jerked up and down in the water

    Synonyms: jig

  • jig (noun) = a device that holds a piece of machine work and guides the tools operating on it

    Synonyms: jig

  • jig (noun) = any of various old rustic dances involving kicking and leaping

    Synonyms: jig

  • jig (verb) = dance a quick dance with leaping and kicking motions

    Synonyms: jig

  • Other words to learn

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