Infection meaning in Hindi

Infection is a english word.

Infection Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • infection = बीमारी की छूत

    • Usage: Playing the dust out side with an open wound you are increasing the risk of infcetion.

Infection Meaning in Detail

  • infection (noun) = the pathological state resulting from the invasion of the body by pathogenic microorganisms

    Synonyms: infection

  • infection (noun) = (phonetics) the alteration of a speech sound under the influence of a neighboring sound

    Synonyms: infection

  • infection (noun) = (medicine) the invasion of the body by pathogenic microorganisms and their multiplication which can lead to tissue damage and disease

    Synonyms: infection

  • infection (noun) = an incident in which an infectious disease is transmitted

    Synonyms: infection, contagion, transmission

  • infection (noun) = the communication of an attitude or emotional state among a number of people

    Synonyms: contagion, infection

    • Usage: a contagion of mirth
    • Usage: the infection of his enthusiasm for poetry
  • infection (noun) = moral corruption or contamination

    Synonyms: infection

    • Usage: ambitious men are led astray by an infection that is almost unavoidable
  • infection (noun) = (international law) illegality that taints or contaminates a ship or cargo rendering it liable to seizure

    Synonyms: infection

  • Other words to learn

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