Jockey meaning in Hindi

Jockey is a english word.

Jockey Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • jockey = घुड़ दौड़ का पेशेवर घुडसवार

    • Usage: Pesi Shroff is the most famous jockey in India.
  • jockey = ठगना

    • Usage: Some shopkeepers jockey foreign tourists to make money.

Jockey Meaning in Detail

  • jockey (noun) = someone employed to ride horses in horse races

    Synonyms: jockey

  • jockey (noun) = an operator of some vehicle or machine or apparatus

    Synonyms: jockey

    • Usage: he's a truck jockey
    • Usage: a computer jockey
    • Usage: a disc jockey
  • jockey (verb) = defeat someone through trickery or deceit

    Synonyms: cheat, chouse, shaft, screw, chicane, jockey

  • jockey (verb) = compete (for an advantage or a position)

    Synonyms: jockey

  • jockey (verb) = ride a racehorse as a professional jockey

    Synonyms: jockey

  • Other words to learn

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