Kindling meaning in Hindi

Kindling is a english word.

Kindling Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • kindling = आग जलाने की छोटी लकड़ियाँ

    • Usage: Collect some kindling to warm the house.

Kindling Meaning in Detail

  • kindling (noun) = material for starting a fire

    Synonyms: kindling, tinder, touchwood, spunk, punk

  • kindling (noun) = the act of setting something on fire

    Synonyms: ignition, firing, lighting, kindling, inflammation

  • kindling (verb) = catch fire

    Synonyms: kindle, inflame

    • Usage: The dried grass of the prairie kindled, spreading the flames for miles
  • kindling (verb) = cause to start burning

    Synonyms: kindle, enkindle, conflagrate, inflame

    • Usage: The setting sun kindled the sky with oranges and reds
  • kindling (verb) = call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)

    Synonyms: arouse, elicit, enkindle, kindle, evoke, fire, raise, provoke

    • Usage: arouse pity
    • Usage: raise a smile
    • Usage: evoke sympathy
  • Other words to learn

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