Limp meaning in Hindi
Limp is a english word.Limp Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
limp = लचीला
- Usage: Paper-back books have limp covers.
limp = शक्तिहीन
- Usage: Due to the injury his leg has become quite limp.
limp = लंगडाना
- Usage: He limps a lot.
limp = कठिनाई से आगे बढ पाना
- Usage: The boat limped into the harbour.
Limp Meaning in Detail
limp (noun) = the uneven manner of walking that results from an injured leg
Synonyms: hitch, hobble, limp
limp (verb) = walk impeded by some physical limitation or injury
Synonyms: limp, gimp, hobble, hitch
- Usage: The old woman hobbles down to the store every day
limp (verb) = proceed slowly or with difficulty
Synonyms: limp
- Usage: the boat limped into the harbor
limp (adj) = not firm
Synonyms: limp, wilted
- Usage: wilted lettuce
limp (adj) = lacking in strength or firmness or resilience
Synonyms: limp
- Usage: gave a limp handshake
- Usage: a limp gesture as if waving away all desire to know" G.K.Chesterton
- Usage: a slack grip
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