Lowly meaning in Hindi

Lowly is a english word.

Lowly Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • lowly = अधीन

    • Usage: He works as a lowly shop assistant.

Lowly Meaning in Detail

  • lowly (adj) = low or inferior in station or quality

    Synonyms: humble, low, lowly, modest, small

    • Usage: a humble cottage
    • Usage: a lowly parish priest
    • Usage: a modest man of the people
    • Usage: small beginnings
  • lowly (adj) = inferior in rank or status

    Synonyms: junior-grade, lower-ranking, lowly, petty, secondary, subaltern

    • Usage: the junior faculty
    • Usage: a lowly corporal
    • Usage: petty officialdom
    • Usage: a subordinate functionary
  • lowly (adj) = used of unskilled work (especially domestic work)

    Synonyms: humble, menial, lowly

  • lowly (adj) = of low birth or station (`base' is archaic in this sense)

    Synonyms: base, baseborn, humble, lowly

    • Usage: baseborn wretches with dirty faces
    • Usage: of humble (or lowly) birth
  • Other words to learn

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