Matter meaning in Hindi

Matter is a english word.

Matter Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • matter = महत्वपूर्ण होना

  • matter = विषय

    • Usage: I don't discuss private matters with my collegues.
  • matter = द्रव्य

Matter Meaning in Detail

  • matter (noun) = a vaguely specified concern

    Synonyms: matter, affair, thing

    • Usage: several matters to attend to
    • Usage: it is none of your affair
    • Usage: things are going well
  • matter (noun) = some situation or event that is thought about

    Synonyms: topic, subject, issue, matter

    • Usage: he kept drifting off the topic
    • Usage: he had been thinking about the subject for several years
    • Usage: it is a matter for the police
  • matter (noun) = that which has mass and occupies space

    Synonyms: matter

    • Usage: physicists study both the nature of matter and the forces which govern it
  • matter (noun) = a problem

    Synonyms: matter

    • Usage: is anything the matter?
  • matter (noun) = (used with negation) having consequence

    Synonyms: matter

    • Usage: they were friends and it was no matter who won the games
  • matter (noun) = written works (especially in books or magazines)

    Synonyms: matter

    • Usage: he always took some reading matter with him on the plane
  • matter (verb) = have weight; have import, carry weight

    Synonyms: count, matter, weigh

    • Usage: It does not matter much
  • Other words to learn

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