Mire meaning in Hindi

Mire is a english word.

Mire Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • mire = कीचड़

    • Usage: Her shoes were stuck in the mire.
  • mire = अटकना/अटकाना

    • Usage: He should not be mired in the past.
  • mire = गंदा होना[करना]

    • Usage: The mud mired our carpet.

Mire Meaning in Detail

  • mire (noun) = a soft wet area of low-lying land that sinks underfoot

    Synonyms: mire, quagmire, quag, morass, slack

  • mire (noun) = deep soft mud in water or slush

    Synonyms: slop, mire

    • Usage: they waded through the slop
  • mire (noun) = a difficulty or embarrassment that is hard to extricate yourself from

    Synonyms: mire

    • Usage: the country is still trying to climb out of the mire left by its previous president
    • Usage: caught in the mire of poverty
  • mire (verb) = entrap

    Synonyms: entangle, mire

    • Usage: Our people should not be mired in the past
  • mire (verb) = cause to get stuck as if in a mire

    Synonyms: mire, bog_down

    • Usage: The mud mired our cart
  • mire (verb) = be unable to move further

    Synonyms: grind_to_a_halt, get_stuck, bog_down, mire

    • Usage: The car bogged down in the sand
  • mire (verb) = soil with mud, muck, or mire

    Synonyms: mire, muck, mud, muck_up

    • Usage: The child mucked up his shirt while playing ball in the garden
  • Other words to learn

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