Mushroom meaning in Hindi

Mushroom is a english word.

Mushroom Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • mushroom = कुकरमुत्ता

    • Usage: Mushrooms can be cultivated in backyard of our house.

Mushroom Meaning in Detail

  • mushroom (noun) = common name for an edible agaric (contrasting with the inedible toadstool)

    Synonyms: mushroom

  • mushroom (noun) = mushrooms and related fleshy fungi (including toadstools, puffballs, morels, coral fungi, etc.)

    Synonyms: mushroom

  • mushroom (noun) = any of various fleshy fungi of the subdivision Basidiomycota consisting of a cap at the end of a stem arising from an underground mycelium

    Synonyms: mushroom

  • mushroom (noun) = a large cloud of rubble and dust shaped like a mushroom and rising into the sky after an explosion (especially of a nuclear bomb)

    Synonyms: mushroom, mushroom_cloud, mushroom-shaped_cloud

  • mushroom (noun) = fleshy body of any of numerous edible fungi

    Synonyms: mushroom

  • mushroom (verb) = pick or gather mushrooms

    Synonyms: mushroom

    • Usage: We went mushrooming in the Fall
  • mushroom (verb) = grow and spread fast

    Synonyms: mushroom

    • Usage: The problem mushroomed
  • Other words to learn

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