Musical chairs meaning in Hindi

Musical chairs is a english word.

Musical chairs Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • musical chairs = एक खेल

    • Usage: We conducted musical chairs for our teachers on Teacher's day.

Musical chairs Meaning in Detail

  • musical chairs (noun) = a child's game in which players march to music around a group of chairs that contains one chair less than the number of players; when the music abruptly stops the players scramble to sit and the player who does not find a chair is eliminated; then a chair is removed and the march resumes until only the winner is seated

    Synonyms: musical_chairs, going_to_Jerusalem

  • musical chairs (noun) = a rearrangement that has no practical effect or significance

    Synonyms: musical_chairs

    • Usage: the company is looking for stability after years of musical chairs with directors
    • Usage: shareholders don't want the company playing musical chairs with their investment
  • Other words to learn

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