Vague meaning in Hindi

Vague is a english word.

Vague Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • vague = अस्पष्ट

    • Usage: The speaker was vague on the subject

Vague Meaning in Detail

  • vague (adj) = not clearly understood or expressed

    Synonyms: obscure, vague

    • Usage: an obscure turn of phrase
    • Usage: an impulse to go off and fight certain obscure battles of his own spirit"-Anatole Broyard
    • Usage: their descriptions of human behavior become vague, dull, and unclear"- P.A.Sorokin
    • Usage: vague...forms of speech...have so long passed for mysteries of science"- John Locke
  • vague (adj) = not precisely limited, determined, or distinguished

    Synonyms: undefined, vague

    • Usage: an undefined term
    • Usage: undefined authority
    • Usage: some undefined sense of excitement
    • Usage: vague feelings of sadness
    • Usage: a vague uneasiness
  • vague (adj) = lacking clarity or distinctness

    Synonyms: dim, faint, shadowy, vague, wispy

    • Usage: a dim figure in the distance
    • Usage: only a faint recollection
    • Usage: shadowy figures in the gloom
    • Usage: saw a vague outline of a building through the fog
    • Usage: a few wispy memories of childhood
  • Other words to learn

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