Obviate meaning in Hindi

Obviate is a english word.

Obviate Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • obviate = जरूरी न समझना

    • Usage: The flyover obviates the need to drive at a snail's pace.

Obviate Meaning in Detail

  • obviate (verb) = do away with

    Synonyms: obviate, rid_of, eliminate

  • obviate (verb) = prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening

    Synonyms: debar, forefend, forfend, obviate, deflect, avert, head_off, stave_off, fend_off, avoid, ward_off

    • Usage: Let's avoid a confrontation
    • Usage: head off a confrontation
    • Usage: avert a strike
  • Other words to learn

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