Outflow meaning in Hindi

Outflow is a english word.

Outflow Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • outflow = बहाव

    • Usage: There is an illegal outflow of fake currency across the border.

Outflow Meaning in Detail

  • outflow (noun) = the discharge of a fluid from some container

    Synonyms: escape, leak, leakage, outflow

    • Usage: they tried to stop the escape of gas from the damaged pipe
    • Usage: he had to clean up the leak
  • outflow (noun) = the process of flowing out

    Synonyms: outflow, effluence, efflux

  • outflow (noun) = a natural flow of ground water

    Synonyms: spring, fountain, outflow, outpouring, natural_spring

  • Other words to learn

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