Aside meaning in Hindi

Aside is a english word.

Aside Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • aside = रद्द करना

    • Usage: You must put aside any idea of holiday this year .
  • aside = अलग रखना

    • Usage: My father has kept aside some money for his retirement.
  • aside = स्वगत उक्ति

    • Usage: One could understand Hamlet's mind by his asides.

Aside Meaning in Detail

  • aside (noun) = a line spoken by an actor to the audience but not intended for others on the stage

    Synonyms: aside

  • aside (noun) = a message that departs from the main subject

    Synonyms: digression, aside, excursus, divagation, parenthesis

  • aside (adv) = on or to one side

    Synonyms: aside

    • Usage: step aside
    • Usage: stood aside to let him pass
    • Usage: threw the book aside
    • Usage: put her sewing aside when he entered
  • aside (adv) = out of the way (especially away from one's thoughts)

    Synonyms: aside, away

    • Usage: brush the objections aside
    • Usage: pushed all doubts away
  • aside (adv) = not taken into account or excluded from consideration

    Synonyms: apart, aside

    • Usage: these problems apart, the country is doing well
    • Usage: all joking aside, I think you're crazy
  • aside (adv) = in a different direction

    Synonyms: away, aside

    • Usage: turn aside
    • Usage: turn away one's face
    • Usage: glanced away
  • aside (adv) = placed or kept separate and distinct as for a purpose

    Synonyms: aside, apart

    • Usage: had a feeling of being set apart
    • Usage: quality sets it apart
    • Usage: a day set aside for relaxing
  • aside (adv) = in reserve; not for immediate use

    Synonyms: aside, by, away

    • Usage: started setting aside money to buy a car
    • Usage: put something by for her old age
    • Usage: has a nest egg tucked away for a rainy day
  • Other words to learn

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