Pole meaning in Hindi

Pole is a english word.

Pole Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • pole = खम्बा

    • Usage: The thief used a pole to climb the high wall.
    • Usage: Electric poles are connected with several wires.
  • pole = ध्रुव

    • Usage: The north pole region is very cold.

Pole Meaning in Detail

  • pole (noun) = a long (usually round) rod of wood or metal or plastic

    Synonyms: pole

  • pole (noun) = a native or inhabitant of Poland

    Synonyms: Pole

  • pole (noun) = one of two divergent or mutually exclusive opinions

    Synonyms: pole

    • Usage: they are at opposite poles
    • Usage: they are poles apart
  • pole (noun) = a linear measure of 16.5 feet

    Synonyms: perch, rod, pole

  • pole (noun) = a square rod of land

    Synonyms: perch, rod, pole

  • pole (noun) = one of two points of intersection of the Earth's axis and the celestial sphere

    Synonyms: pole, celestial_pole

  • pole (noun) = one of two antipodal points where the Earth's axis of rotation intersects the Earth's surface

    Synonyms: pole

  • pole (noun) = a contact on an electrical device (such as a battery) at which electric current enters or leaves

    Synonyms: terminal, pole

  • pole (noun) = a long fiberglass sports implement used for pole vaulting

    Synonyms: pole

  • pole (noun) = one of the two ends of a magnet where the magnetism seems to be concentrated

    Synonyms: pole, magnetic_pole

  • pole (verb) = propel with a pole

    Synonyms: punt, pole

    • Usage: pole barges on the river
    • Usage: We went punting in Cambridge
  • pole (verb) = support on poles

    Synonyms: pole

    • Usage: pole climbing plants like beans
  • pole (verb) = deoxidize molten metals by stirring them with a wooden pole

    Synonyms: pole

  • Other words to learn

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