Pour meaning in Hindi

Pour is a english word.

Pour Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • pour = बहना

    • Usage: His tears were pouring down while he heard that news.
  • pour = बहा देना

    • Usage: She poured out all the remaining water.
  • pour = मूसलधार बरसना

    • Usage: It's pouring outside.
  • pour = प्रवाहित होना

    • Usage: Commuters were pouring in to the station.

Pour Meaning in Detail

  • pour (verb) = cause to run

    Synonyms: pour

    • Usage: pour water over the floor
  • pour (verb) = move in large numbers

    Synonyms: pour, swarm, stream, teem, pullulate

    • Usage: people were pouring out of the theater
    • Usage: beggars pullulated in the plaza
  • pour (verb) = pour out

    Synonyms: decant, pour, pour_out

    • Usage: the sommelier decanted the wines
  • pour (verb) = flow in a spurt

    Synonyms: pour

    • Usage: Water poured all over the floor
  • pour (verb) = supply in large amounts or quantities

    Synonyms: pour

    • Usage: We poured money into the education of our children
  • pour (verb) = rain heavily

    Synonyms: pour, pelt, stream, rain_cats_and_dogs, rain_buckets

    • Usage: Put on your rain coat-- it's pouring outside!
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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