Pursue meaning in Hindi

Pursue is a english word.

Pursue Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • pursue = पीछा करना

    • Usage: I shall pursue my goal by the year.
  • pursue = आगे बढना/बढाना

    • Usage: I will pursue my studies after completing graduation.

Pursue Meaning in Detail

  • pursue (verb) = carry out or participate in an activity; be involved in

    Synonyms: prosecute, engage, pursue

    • Usage: She pursued many activities
    • Usage: They engaged in a discussion
  • pursue (verb) = follow in or as if in pursuit

    Synonyms: pursue, follow

    • Usage: The police car pursued the suspected attacker
    • Usage: Her bad deed followed her and haunted her dreams all her life
  • pursue (verb) = go in search of or hunt for

    Synonyms: quest_for, go_after, quest_after, pursue

    • Usage: pursue a hobby
  • pursue (verb) = carry further or advance

    Synonyms: pursue, follow_up_on, act_on

    • Usage: Can you act on this matter soon?
  • Other words to learn

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