Shrink meaning in Hindi

Shrink is a english word.

Shrink Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • shrink = सिकुड़ना

    • Usage: Most of the clothes shrink on the first wash.
  • shrink = पीछे हटना

    • Usage: She shrank trembling against the wall.

Shrink Meaning in Detail

  • shrink (noun) = a physician who specializes in psychiatry

    Synonyms: psychiatrist, head-shrinker, shrink

  • shrink (verb) = wither, as with a loss of moisture

    Synonyms: shrivel, shrivel_up, shrink, wither

    • Usage: The fruit dried and shriveled
  • shrink (verb) = draw back, as with fear or pain

    Synonyms: flinch, squinch, funk, cringe, shrink, wince, recoil, quail

    • Usage: she flinched when they showed the slaughtering of the calf
  • shrink (verb) = reduce in size; reduce physically

    Synonyms: shrink, reduce

    • Usage: Hot water will shrink the sweater
    • Usage: Can you shrink this image?
  • shrink (verb) = become smaller or draw together

    Synonyms: shrink, contract

    • Usage: The fabric shrank
    • Usage: The balloon shrank
  • shrink (verb) = decrease in size, range, or extent

    Synonyms: shrink, shrivel

    • Usage: His earnings shrank
    • Usage: My courage shrivelled when I saw the task before me
  • Other words to learn

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