Quiver meaning in Hindi

Quiver is a english word.

Quiver Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • quiver = कंपन

    • Usage: At the sight of the tiger a quiver ran through her body.
  • quiver = तरकश

    • Usage: He put the arrow back in its quiver.
  • quiver = काँपना

    • Usage: She was quivered with fear when she saw the thief.

Quiver Meaning in Detail

  • quiver (noun) = an almost pleasurable sensation of fright

    Synonyms: frisson, shiver, chill, quiver, shudder, thrill, tingle

    • Usage: a frisson of surprise shot through him
  • quiver (noun) = a shaky motion

    Synonyms: shaking, shakiness, trembling, quiver, quivering, vibration, palpitation

    • Usage: the shaking of his fingers as he lit his pipe
  • quiver (noun) = case for holding arrows

    Synonyms: quiver

  • quiver (noun) = the act of vibrating

    Synonyms: vibration, quiver, quivering

  • quiver (verb) = shake with fast, tremulous movements

    Synonyms: quiver, quake, palpitate

    • Usage: His nostrils palpitated
  • quiver (verb) = move back and forth very rapidly

    Synonyms: flicker, waver, flitter, flutter, quiver

    • Usage: the candle flickered
  • quiver (verb) = move with or as if with a regular alternating motion

    Synonyms: pulsate, beat, quiver

    • Usage: the city pulsated with music and excitement
  • Other words to learn

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