Rudimentary meaning in Hindi

Rudimentary is a english word.

Rudimentary Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • rudimentary = प्रारम्भिक

    • Usage: I have only a rudimentary knowledge of French.
    • Usage: In india there are villages with rudimentary sanitation.
    • Usage: Some dinosaurs had only rudimentary teeth.

Rudimentary Meaning in Detail

  • rudimentary (adj) = being or involving basic facts or principles

    Synonyms: fundamental, rudimentary, underlying

    • Usage: the fundamental laws of the universe
    • Usage: a fundamental incomatibility between them
    • Usage: these rudimentary truths
    • Usage: underlying principles
  • rudimentary (adj) = being in the earliest stages of development

    Synonyms: rudimentary

    • Usage: rudimentary plans
  • rudimentary (adj) = not fully developed in mature animals

    Synonyms: vestigial, rudimentary

    • Usage: rudimentary wings
  • Other words to learn

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