Rumble meaning in Hindi

Rumble is a english word.

Rumble Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • rumble = घड़घड़ाना

    • Usage: I was so hungry that my stomach was rumbling.
    • Usage: Discussions rumble on over the making of new policies.
  • rumble = घड़घड़ाहट

    • Usage: There was a rumbling sound of gunfire at night.
    • Usage: There was a continous rumbling sound of volcano which has errupted recently.

Rumble Meaning in Detail

  • rumble (noun) = a loud low dull continuous noise

    Synonyms: rumble, rumbling, grumble, grumbling

    • Usage: they heard the rumbling of thunder
  • rumble (noun) = a servant's seat (or luggage compartment) in the rear of a carriage

    Synonyms: rumble

  • rumble (noun) = a fight between rival gangs of adolescents

    Synonyms: rumble, gang_fight

  • rumble (verb) = make a low noise

    Synonyms: rumble, grumble

    • Usage: rumbling thunder
  • rumble (verb) = to utter or emit low dull rumbling sounds

    Synonyms: grumble, growl, rumble

    • Usage: he grumbled a rude response
    • Usage: Stones grumbled down the cliff
  • Other words to learn

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