Sampler meaning in Hindi

Sampler is a english word.

Sampler Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • sampler = नमूने जानने वाला

    • Usage: Neha was asking for sampler as she wants to learn to make different stiches on a piece of cloth.

Sampler Meaning in Detail

  • sampler (noun) = an observation station that is set up to make sample observations of something

    Synonyms: sampling_station, sampler

  • sampler (noun) = someone who samples food or drink for its quality

    Synonyms: taster, taste_tester, taste-tester, sampler

  • sampler (noun) = an assortment of various samples

    Synonyms: sampler

    • Usage: a candy sampler
    • Usage: a sampler of French poets
  • sampler (noun) = a piece of embroidery demonstrating skill with various stitches

    Synonyms: sampler

  • Other words to learn

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