Schedule meaning in Hindi

Schedule is a english word.

Schedule Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • schedule = कार्यक्रम

    • Usage: I couldn't go to the market as I had very tight schedule.
  • schedule = सूची

    • Usage: schedule4 ओं ट्हे चोम्पनिएस् अच्ट् स्होउल्ड् बे रेङेर्रेड् ब्य् अन्एन्टेर्प्रेनुएर्

Schedule Meaning in Detail

  • schedule (noun) = a temporally organized plan for matters to be attended to

    Synonyms: agenda, docket, schedule

  • schedule (noun) = an ordered list of times at which things are planned to occur

    Synonyms: schedule

  • schedule (verb) = plan for an activity or event

    Synonyms: schedule

    • Usage: I've scheduled a concert next week
  • schedule (verb) = make a schedule; plan the time and place for events

    Synonyms: schedule

    • Usage: I scheduled an exam for this afternoon
  • Other words to learn

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