Scrap meaning in Hindi

Scrap is a english word.

Scrap Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • scrap = टुकड़ा

    • Usage: The place was littered with the scraps of paper.

Scrap Meaning in Detail

  • scrap (noun) = a small fragment of something broken off from the whole

    Synonyms: bit, chip, flake, fleck, scrap

    • Usage: a bit of rock caught him in the eye
  • scrap (noun) = worthless material that is to be disposed of

    Synonyms: rubbish, trash, scrap

  • scrap (noun) = a small piece of something that is left over after the rest has been used

    Synonyms: scrap

    • Usage: she jotted it on a scrap of paper
    • Usage: there was not a scrap left
  • scrap (noun) = the act of fighting; any contest or struggle

    Synonyms: fight, fighting, combat, scrap

    • Usage: a fight broke out at the hockey game
    • Usage: there was fighting in the streets
    • Usage: the unhappy couple got into a terrible scrap
  • scrap (verb) = dispose of (something useless or old)

    Synonyms: trash, junk, scrap

    • Usage: trash these old chairs
    • Usage: junk an old car
    • Usage: scrap your old computer
  • scrap (verb) = have a disagreement over something

    Synonyms: quarrel, dispute, scrap, argufy, altercate

    • Usage: We quarreled over the question as to who discovered America
    • Usage: These two fellows are always scrapping over something
  • scrap (verb) = make into scrap or refuse

    Synonyms: scrap

    • Usage: scrap the old airplane and sell the parts
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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