Severe meaning in Hindi

Severe is a english word.

Severe Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • severe = कठोर

    • Usage: Romans gave severe punishments to slaves even for minor offences.
  • severe = तीव्र

    • Usage: The bomb threat caused severe disruption to the flights from Delhi.
  • severe = कठिन

    • Usage: Before joining the armed forces, cadets have to pass severe tests.
  • severe = अनलंकृत/सादा

    • Usage: She wore a severe suit of plain grey with a white blouse.

Severe Meaning in Detail

  • severe (adj) = intensely or extremely bad or unpleasant in degree or quality

    Synonyms: severe, terrible, wicked

    • Usage: severe pain
    • Usage: a severe case of flu
    • Usage: a terrible cough
    • Usage: under wicked fire from the enemy's guns
    • Usage: a wicked cough
  • severe (adj) = very strong or vigorous

    Synonyms: hard, knockout, severe

    • Usage: strong winds
    • Usage: a hard left to the chin
    • Usage: a knockout punch
    • Usage: a severe blow
  • severe (adj) = severely simple

    Synonyms: austere, severe, stark, stern

    • Usage: a stark interior
  • severe (adj) = unsparing and uncompromising in discipline or judgment

    Synonyms: severe, spartan

    • Usage: a parent severe to the pitch of hostility"- H.G.Wells
    • Usage: a hefty six-footer with a rather severe mien
    • Usage: a strict disciplinarian
    • Usage: a Spartan upbringing
  • severe (adj) = causing fear or anxiety by threatening great harm

    Synonyms: dangerous, grave, grievous, serious, severe, life-threatening

    • Usage: a dangerous operation
    • Usage: a grave situation
    • Usage: a grave illness
    • Usage: grievous bodily harm
    • Usage: a serious wound
    • Usage: a serious turn of events
    • Usage: a severe case of pneumonia
    • Usage: a life-threatening disease
  • severe (adj) = very bad in degree or extent

    Synonyms: severe

    • Usage: a severe worldwide depression
    • Usage: the house suffered severe damage
  • Other words to learn

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