Shady meaning in Hindi

Shady is a english word.

Shady Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • shady = छायादार/छायामय

    • Usage: Animals prefer to sit in the shady spots in summers.
  • shady = कुत्सित/नीच

    • Usage: He's a rather shady character - I don't trust him.

Shady Meaning in Detail

  • shady (adj) = (of businesses and businessmen) unscrupulous

    Synonyms: fly-by-night, shady

    • Usage: a shady operation
  • shady (adj) = of questionable taste or morality

    Synonyms: louche, shady

    • Usage: a louche nightclub
    • Usage: a louche painting
  • shady (adj) = not as expected

    Synonyms: fishy, funny, shady, suspect, suspicious

    • Usage: there was something fishy about the accident
    • Usage: up to some funny business
    • Usage: some definitely queer goings-on
    • Usage: a shady deal
    • Usage: her motives were suspect
    • Usage: suspicious behavior
  • shady (adj) = filled with shade

    Synonyms: shady, shadowed, shadowy, umbrageous

    • Usage: the shady side of the street
    • Usage: the surface of the pond is dark and shadowed
    • Usage: we sat on rocks in a shadowy cove
    • Usage: cool umbrageous woodlands
  • Other words to learn

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