Shuffle meaning in Hindi

Shuffle is a english word.

Shuffle Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • shuffle = रगड़ना/घसीटना

    • Usage: He shuffled as he was totally exhausted.
  • shuffle = फ़ेंटना

    • Usage: Ram will shuffle in this turn.
  • shuffle = स्थान बदलता रहना

    • Usage: He was free that day. So he shuffled his room.

Shuffle Meaning in Detail

  • shuffle (noun) = the act of mixing cards haphazardly

    Synonyms: shuffle, shuffling, make

  • shuffle (noun) = walking with a slow dragging motion without lifting your feet

    Synonyms: shamble, shambling, shuffle, shuffling

    • Usage: from his shambling I assumed he was very old
  • shuffle (verb) = walk by dragging one's feet

    Synonyms: shuffle, scuffle, shamble

    • Usage: he shuffled out of the room
    • Usage: We heard his feet shuffling down the hall
  • shuffle (verb) = move about, move back and forth

    Synonyms: shuffle

    • Usage: He shuffled his funds among different accounts in various countries so as to avoid the IRS
  • shuffle (verb) = mix so as to make a random order or arrangement

    Synonyms: shuffle, ruffle, mix

    • Usage: shuffle the cards
  • Other words to learn

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