Sideshow meaning in Hindi

Sideshow is a english word.

Sideshow Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • sideshow = तमाशा

    • Usage: A man was showing side show by a pair of monkeys.
  • sideshow = गौण क्रिया

    • Usage: Offering a rebate of Rs. 2000 on newly launched television was merely a sideshow to attract the customers.

Sideshow Meaning in Detail

  • sideshow (noun) = a subordinate incident of little importance relative to the main event

    Synonyms: sideshow

    • Usage: instruction is not an educational sideshow
  • sideshow (noun) = a minor show that is part of a larger one (as at the circus)

    Synonyms: sideshow

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