Solace meaning in Hindi

Solace is a english word.

Solace Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • solace = सान्त्वना/उपशम

    • Usage: Every one can find solace in music.
  • solace = सान्त्वना देना/दुःख कम कर देना

    • Usage: He gives his parents solace while performing his duties.

Solace Meaning in Detail

  • solace (noun) = the comfort you feel when consoled in times of disappointment

    Synonyms: consolation, solace, solacement

    • Usage: second place was no consolation to him
  • solace (noun) = comfort in disappointment or misery

    Synonyms: solace, solacement

  • solace (noun) = the act of consoling; giving relief in affliction

    Synonyms: consolation, comfort, solace

    • Usage: his presence was a consolation to her
  • solace (verb) = give moral or emotional strength to

    Synonyms: comfort, soothe, console, solace

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