Speech meaning in Hindi

Speech is a english word.

Speech Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • speech = बोली

    • Usage: Human beings express thoughts through speech.
  • speech = भाषण

    • Usage: He always gives good speeches.
  • speech = कथन

    • Usage: The film has a number of scenes with rather long speeches by the hero.

Speech Meaning in Detail

  • speech (noun) = the act of delivering a formal spoken communication to an audience

    Synonyms: address, speech

    • Usage: he listened to an address on minor Roman poets
  • speech (noun) = (language) communication by word of mouth

    Synonyms: speech, speech_communication, spoken_communication, spoken_language, language, voice_communication, oral_communication

    • Usage: his speech was garbled
    • Usage: he uttered harsh language
    • Usage: he recorded the spoken language of the streets
  • speech (noun) = something spoken

    Synonyms: speech

    • Usage: he could hear them uttering merry speeches
  • speech (noun) = the exchange of spoken words

    Synonyms: speech

    • Usage: they were perfectly comfortable together without speech
  • speech (noun) = your characteristic style or manner of expressing yourself orally

    Synonyms: manner_of_speaking, speech, delivery

    • Usage: his manner of speaking was quite abrupt
    • Usage: her speech was barren of southernisms
    • Usage: I detected a slight accent in his speech
  • speech (noun) = a lengthy rebuke

    Synonyms: lecture, speech, talking_to

    • Usage: a good lecture was my father's idea of discipline
    • Usage: the teacher gave him a talking to
  • speech (noun) = words making up the dialogue of a play

    Synonyms: actor's_line, speech, words

    • Usage: the actor forgot his speech
  • speech (noun) = the mental faculty or power of vocal communication

    Synonyms: language, speech

    • Usage: language sets homo sapiens apart from all other animals
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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