Super meaning in Hindi

Super is a english word.

Super Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • super = बहुत बड़ा

    • Usage: The movie was a super hit.
  • super = अधिक

    • Usage: Here is a super storage of food grains.
  • super = एक पुलीस अधिकारी

    • Usage: We salute our new superintendent of police.

Super Meaning in Detail

  • super (noun) = a caretaker for an apartment house; represents the owner as janitor and rent collector

    Synonyms: superintendent, super

  • super (adj) = of the highest quality

    Synonyms: ace, A-one, crack, first-rate, super, tiptop, topnotch, top-notch, tops

    • Usage: an ace reporter
    • Usage: a crack shot
    • Usage: a first-rate golfer
    • Usage: a super party
    • Usage: played top-notch tennis
    • Usage: an athlete in tiptop condition
    • Usage: she is absolutely tops
  • super (adj) = including more than a specified category

    Synonyms: super

    • Usage: a super experiment
  • super (adj) = extremely large

    Synonyms: super

    • Usage: another super skyscraper
  • super (adv) = to an extreme degree

    Synonyms: extremely, exceedingly, super, passing

    • Usage: extremely cold
    • Usage: extremely unpleasant
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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