Swirl meaning in Hindi

Swirl is a english word.

Swirl Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • swirl = चक्कर खाते हुए उड़ना

    • Usage: The dust is swirling in the streets.
  • swirl = चक्कर

    • Usage: Dancers spinning round in a swirl of bright colours.

Swirl Meaning in Detail

  • swirl (noun) = the shape of something rotating rapidly

    Synonyms: whirl, swirl, vortex, convolution

  • swirl (verb) = turn in a twisting or spinning motion

    Synonyms: twirl, swirl, twiddle, whirl

    • Usage: The leaves swirled in the autumn wind
  • swirl (verb) = flow in a circular current, of liquids

    Synonyms: eddy, purl, whirlpool, swirl, whirl

  • Other words to learn

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