Then meaning in Hindi

Then is a english word.

Then Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • then = तब

    • Usage: We were living in Holland then.
  • then = तत्पश्चात

    • Usage: Finish your work and then you play.

Then Meaning in Detail

  • then (noun) = that time; that moment

    Synonyms: then

    • Usage: we will arrive before then
    • Usage: we were friends from then on
  • then (adj) = at a specific prior time

    Synonyms: then

    • Usage: the then president
  • then (adv) = subsequently or soon afterward (often used as sentence connectors)

    Synonyms: then, so, and_so, and_then

    • Usage: then he left
    • Usage: go left first, then right
    • Usage: first came lightning, then thunder
    • Usage: we watched the late movie and then went to bed
    • Usage: and so home and to bed
  • then (adv) = in that case or as a consequence

    Synonyms: then

    • Usage: if he didn't take it, then who did?
    • Usage: keep it then if you want to
    • Usage: the case, then, is closed
    • Usage: you've made up your mind then?
    • Usage: then you'll be rich
  • then (adv) = at that time

    Synonyms: then

    • Usage: I was young then
    • Usage: prices were lower back then
    • Usage: science as it was then taught
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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