Transported meaning in Hindi

Transported is a english word.

Transported Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • transported = अभिभूत होना

    • Usage: Listening to her sing so soulfully I was totally transported.

Transported Meaning in Detail

  • transported (verb) = move something or somebody around; usually over long distances

    Synonyms: transport

  • transported (verb) = move while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's body

    Synonyms: transport, carry

    • Usage: You must carry your camping gear
    • Usage: carry the suitcases to the car
    • Usage: This train is carrying nuclear waste
    • Usage: These pipes carry waste water into the river
  • transported (verb) = hold spellbound

    Synonyms: enchant, enrapture, transport, enthrall, ravish, enthral, delight

  • transported (verb) = transport commercially

    Synonyms: transport, send, ship

  • transported (verb) = send from one person or place to another

    Synonyms: transmit, transfer, transport, channel, channelize, channelise

    • Usage: transmit a message
  • Other words to learn

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